Parasyte The Grey New Upcoming Horror (TV Series 2024)

Parasyte: The Grey

Parasyte The Grey Upcoming Netflix Series of 2024.

“Parasyte The Grey” Netflix release date, Cast, and More.

Parasyte The Grey is Anime inspired live-action series it’s based on the anime Parasyte The Maxim(Herein Parasyte). Parasyte was a popular anime when it aired back ten years ago, based on manga that was published for 5 years and also high ratings. This Upcoming series is titled Parasyte The Grey.

Is an upcoming Netflix series made by Yeon Sang-Ho of (Train to Busan) and by Ryu Yong-Jae. It will be aired on April 5th, 2024 on the streaming service. Very few details have been reveled by about the plot by the trailer, was added to Netflix Official YouTube on march 7th.

The Series follows humanity as it attempts to fight back as parasites take over human bodies as hosts and gain power.

Directed by Yeon Sang-Ho, who’s also known for shows like Hellbound and Train to Busan.

Cast of Parasyte: The Grey

There is not that much of detail has been reveled but this we now so far.

1. Koo Kyo-Hwan as Seol kang-Woo

Parasyte: The grey

Koo kyo-Hwan is a South Korean actor and film director known for his role in the films Jane, Peninsula, and escape from Mogadishu. He also attracted recognition for his role in Netflix Original D.P.

2.Lee Jung-Hyun as Choi Jun-Kyung

Parasyte: The Grey

Lee Jung-Hyun, also known by her stage name Ava, is a South Korean singer and actress.

3. Jeon So-Nee as Jeong Su-In

Parasyte: The Grey

Jeon So-Nee is a south Korean actress under Management SOOP. in 2020, she starred in the Korean television series When My Love Blooms.

Netflix Original Trailer of Parasyte The grey:





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